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What is osteopathy?

Using safe and effective manual techniques, osteopathy treats and relieves pain and damage to the musculoskeletal system (muscles, bones, joints and connective tissue), as well as functional disorders affecting other parts of the body.

Osteopath bei der Arbeit

The approach to osteopathy

The osteopathic approach  is based on three fundamental principles: 

  • Assessment of the whole body.

  • The assumption that humans have their own healing powers which can be enhanced if stimulated manually.

  • The postulate that the human body is an entity in which structure and function are interdependent.


When should you consult an osteopath?

It is difficult to make a list of pathologies that can be favorably influenced by osteopathy because most often the origins are diverse and / or multiple. However, here is a list of disorders for which osteopathy can be of great help. 

Limbs and joints

Sprains, tendonitis, strains, epicondylitis, epitrochleitis, the consequences of osteoarthritis, certain meniscal lesions, joint pain, etc.

Cranium and face

Migraines, headaches, earaches, sinusitis, rhinopharyngeal disorders in children, vertigo, trigeminal nerve neuralgia etc. 

Spine and trunk

Hip pain, lumbago, sciatica, neck pain, back pain, shoulder-arm pain, intercostal chest pain, etc.

Abdominal disorders

Certain types of constipation or diarrhoea, hiatal hernia, indigestion, functional colopathy, flatulence, etc.

Gynaecological and obstetrical disorders

Pregnancy follow-up, sacroiliac pain, back pain, menstrual pain, problems after the birth of a baby (incontinence, back and pelvic pain, etc.)

For infants and newborns

Neugeborene Baby-Fuß

In addition to routine paediatric examinations, we recommend a consultation during the first month of life in the event of very rapid or very long delivery, use of aids, regurgitation, sleep disorders, colic, plagiocephaly, conjunctivitis etc.

For kids

Image by Markus Spiske

Postural disorders, scoliosis, malocclusion or orthodontic disorders, concentration problems etc. can occur as a result of sports accidents, accidents or simply as a result of the process of growth. Osteopathy can help to reduce the pain experienced by young patients.

For sportive people

Through its specific action on the whole body and by releasing functional tensions, osteopathy will be able to recognise and treat the real causes of pain, limiting the practice of sports activities such as skiing, snowboarding, ultraks, marathons, etc. 

Guy Skifahren

Pregnancy & after childbirth

Schwangere Frau

An osteopathic treatment allows a good preparation for childbirth and relieves pain related to back pain, muscular or costal pain, respiratory disorders, digestive system disorders, oedemas, carpal tunnel syndrome, coccyx/pubic pain etc. and problems after childbirth  (incontinence, pelvic pain, etc.)

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